Saturday, February 28, 2009

What Am I Doing Here?!

I could say I've been planning to start a blog for a long time, that I've given it a lot of thought and finally found the perfect way to show the world what's inside my head. But that would be a lie.

The whole reason I'm here is because of my mother. See, I've come to realize that she is always right...always. People say "mothers always know best" and as much as I try to pretend it's not true, it really is. Yesterday I wrote my parents a spastic email updating them about my life, telling them pointless information they didn't need or want to know. Never mind the fact that I speak to them at least once a day, at that moment I happened to be extremely bored, ready to poke my eye out with the nearest sharp object. So I told them how many times I'd peed so far, how much I hate artificial light, how annoyed I was that I was missing my chance to run outside in 50 degree weather; basically whatever popped into my head as my fingers typed. It was an unnecessarily long message and do you want to know what I got in response? A simple one-liner that read, "I find your writing very entertaining. I think you should have a blog or something."

So here I am. What was so entertaining about a rambling email? Well, when I spout out at the mouth like that (well I guess not technically the mouth since I'm writing, not speaking) I guess it makes for a good read because it's my unfiltered thoughts. Random and full of my character. Which is exactly what I'll do here. I don't know what I'll write about but then again, I don't usually know what I'm doing...ever. Life is unpredictable and I'm unpredictable, maybe that's how I've gotten as far as I have. I don't try to outsmart life, I just live day by day and take it as it comes. I'd like to believe it respects me for that. Wow, I just personified something that can't really be personified. Whatever. Hopefully I'll gain a couple loyal followers (probably just my parents). Maybe I'll be "discovered" and finally have a post-graduation plan...probably not. Above all, I guess I just want to showcase my writing, whether it's a carefully thought-out and edited post about current events or something essentially meaningless that people normally couldn't care less about. I love to write and I'm hoping this encourages me to find time to do so outside of class and the Oracle. If anything, you'll probably be entertained.

I'm pretty sure you're not wondering why I named this blog "Goin' Out of My Head" but I'm going to tell you anyways. I was trying to think of a quirky title and it was turning into the struggle that ensues every time I have to think of a headline-I'm horrible at headlines, it's my weakness and usually results in me declaring myself the most uncreative person ever, which ultimately doesn't make sense but dramatic is my specialty. So I started trolling through my iTunes because song titles are so multi-dimensional and decided I would name it after my favorite artist in the entire world, Luther Vandross. I love him so much but that's a post for another day. Goin' Out of My Head is one of my all-time favorite songs and while it's literally about going out of your head with love, I think it applies perfectly. I'm completely insane...going out of my head-crazy. It makes plenty of sense in my mind so if you're confused, sorry.

Ok, I've got to wrap this up because I need to go take my clothes out of the dryer before someone else does. That is something that pisses me off the most. Why do you have to touch my clothes? Why would you WANT to touch someone else's clothes? I know they're clean and everything but I don't want to touch some stranger's underwear. Plus, it's just rude. I've had some pretty satisfying laundry-room escapades at college. One time somebody took my clothes out but they were STILL WET...seriously?! Well, that was a huge mistake because I was literally shaking with rage. What happens when Alyssa gets mad?--it's never a pretty scene. Two minutes later my clothes were happily spinning in the dryer and theirs were chillin' in the trashcan. That's what they get. Another time someone piled my clothes up on this random table and it was spilling on to the ground and mixed in with other people's laundry. Now it wasn't like I just left my clothes in the dryer for fun or because I forgot about it...I just happened to be changing after my shower and figured it would be fine for two seconds. Apparently, people are impatient--which I can totally relate to because I'm probably the most impatient person you'll meet (thanks, Dad) but this goes beyond impatience. Now it's just about disrespect. So I went a little psycho and had a great time flinging their laundry around the room, overcoming my irrational fear of lint to smear it all over their wet clothes, gleefully jumping on their shirts in an effort to grind some dust into them. I hope they learned a valuable lesson that day. So yeah, I have to go handle my laundry before I'm forced to handle someone else's. I'm trying to be more mature and keep my anger and emotions in check. Terrorizing the laundry room would be wrong...